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2888 Loker Avenue East
Suite 121
Carlsbad, CA 92010
tel: (760) 331-2652
fax: (760) 331-2653

Representative Clients

Representative Clients of The Fiorica Law Firm, P.C. 

Bartocci Development, Inc.

Broadmoor Homes

Bristol Homes, Inc.

Carmel Partners

ConAm Management Corporation



Hearthstone Advisors

Heartwood Construction

Medical Environmental Technologies, LLC

Pacifica Enterprises, Inc.

Seacrest Village Retirement Communities

Sweetwater Harley Davidson

West Park Group, L.P.


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2888 Loker Avenue East, Suite121 Carlsbad, CA 92010
Phone: (760) 331-2652 | Fax: (760) 331-2653 | Email: info@fioricalaw.com