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2888 Loker Avenue East
Suite 121
Carlsbad, CA 92010
tel: (760) 331-2652
fax: (760) 331-2653

Resource Links

These links are provided by The Fiorica Law Firm, P.C. to help you find more information on your real estate, construction, insurance and general business needs.

California Public Agencies

California Secretary of State: www.sos.ca.gov
California Department of Insurance: www.insurance.ca.gov
Contractors State License Board: www.cslb.ca.gov
California Department of Real Estate: www.dre.ca.gov

Bar Associations

The State Bar of California: www.calbar.ca.gov
The San Diego County Bar Association: www.sdcba.org
Colorado Bar Association: www.cobar.org

California Courts

San Diego Superior Court: www.sdcourt.ca.gov
California Courts: www.courtinfo.ca.gov
California Superior Courts: www.courtinfo.ca.gov/courts/find.htm
California Courts of Appeal: www.courtinfo.ca.gov/courts/courtsofappeal/
California Local Court Rules: www.megalaw.com/ca/carules.php
California Rule of Court: www.courtinfo.ca.gov/rules/

Legal Research

The Public Library of Law: www.plol.org/pages/search.aspx
Martindale Hubbell: www.martindale.com
Lexis Nexis: www.lawyers.com

Other Resources

California Building Industry Association: www.cbia.org

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2888 Loker Avenue East, Suite121 Carlsbad, CA 92010
Phone: (760) 331-2652 | Fax: (760) 331-2653 | Email: info@fioricalaw.com